
About me

Here is my resume and contact info.

You can also find me on LinkedIn and GitHub.

As for my background and interests, here they are:

  • I am a Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.

  • I went to high school in Markham, Ontario, where I picked up a keen focus on competitive mathematics as well as competitive programming. Some of my achievements include earning group III on the CSMC honor roll, as well as qualifying for the CMO in my senior year.

  • I was given a Raspberry Pi at a young age, and started messing around with the Debian Linux distribution, though the adventure mostly halted at trying to look cool by typing stuff in a terminal window.

    When I finally discovered the world of open source in high school, I naturally became a Linux enthusiast beloving the (Neo)vim editor. Even now, I still work on projects involving the Raspberry Pi platform ever so often.

  • Some of my other hobbies include: 3D design, printing (with CAD software), and visualizations (via Blender); figure sketching; calligraphy (not done in English); photography; reading primarily classical fictional texts; as well as playing badminton and exercising.

About this website

  • This site was built using NextJS and styled with Tailwind CSS.
  • All articles found under content were rendered from markdown files using react-markdown with plugins associated with remark and rehype.
  • The font used for the majority of the content is Inter, while Iosevka was used for code snippets.
  • The website's source code is available on GitHub.
  • Inspiration for the overall design and philosophy of this site came from Elijan J. Mastnak.